Helping an animal in need can provide a feeling of pride and sense of fulfillment and purpose. Adopting a pet will make your life better - by saving another! We need foster homes and permanent homes for the animals in our care. Please contact us if you'd like to foster cats or kittens or to permanently adopt one of the animals below.
If you've decided you'd like to make a difference by fostering or adopting a community cat or kitten,
please complete the appropriate fillable form available below and email it to and
It Takes Nothing Away From A Human,To Be Kind To An Animal.
Join us at our upcoming
events to make a difference
in central Ohio!
Learn how, then teach others about how TNVR benefits cat colonies and the communities they live in.
Help us provide seminars to educate the public on topics that promote animal rights, health and safety.
Spread the word of APN at community festivals. It's a fun way to help the Animal Protection Network grow to save local animals in need!